Why You Should Choose The Silent Generator?
Reasonable to say, sitting next to a 5Kw diesel generator running for 14 hours every day is not that pleasant. So, when choosing about where to place your Silent Generator you should think that it will be noisy! Noise levels are usually between 63-75 dB(A) @ 1.5m which can seriously affect the environment in many ways if people are around or even close by. Be sure to install it in an area where it won't disturb the public, but also keep in mind its placement so you don't have any troubles with cables later on during operation times. Also remember… sound carries over long distances very well so make sure there's no way for this loud humming to escape and annoy the neighbours! #2 The fuel factor. Just like any other generator, your Silent Generator will need refuelling from time to time. However, unlike other generators, the Silent Generator offers a unique feature that shuts off the engine when it senses low oil levels or high temperatures. This means you'll only h...